Helping Our Ambit Family
Being there for one another is more than just something we say, it’s one of Ambit’s core values. That’s why, thanks to donations from customers, Ambit corporate and other big-hearted Texans, we’ve created Ambit Energy Aid℠. This effort helps thousands of our neighbors in need keep the lights on during challenging times.
Making a donation is simple and tax deductible — customers interested in helping can contribute by checking the donation box on the front of their Ambit invoice or by contacting the Ambit Energy Aid Assistance Team. Additional funding for the program comes from Ambit’s annual corporate giving campaign. Donations collected from Ambit Energy Aid are passed on to our social agency partners across Texas who provide bill payment assistance to qualifying Ambit customers, as well as other helpful resources and tools.
- Get Assistance Information - If you or someone you know needs help paying their energy bill, we’re here to help. You can reach us by email at energyaid@ambitenergy.com.
- Connect with a Partner Agency - To be directly referred to one of our partner agencies in your area, please visit 211texas.org, or call 2-1-1 or (877) 541-7905.
- How to Contribute - If you’re interested in helping with this important cause, please email us to make a tax-deductible donation. If you’re an Ambit Energy customer, you can also donate using the check box on your monthly invoice.
If you need any additional support or have questions, let us know. We’re here to help in any way we can.